Women’s History Month: 7 Leaders In the Pro-Life Movement

Happy Women’s History Month! Much of the progress of our movement is thanks to many strong, persistent and vocal women who support the sanctity of life. We wouldn’t be where we are today without their selfless advocacy. So, in honor of National Women’s History Month, we want to highlight some of the most influential and prominent leaders in the Pro-Life Movement.


1. Abby Johnson

Image Source: The Washington Times

For those unfamiliar with Johnson’s journey, it’s interesting that she didn’t start as a Pro-Life advocate. Because of her passion for women’s health, she initially worked for Planned Parenthood for eight years. Even though she stayed for a long time, she hesitated to leave because she believed she was helping women. After witnessing an abortion procedure, she left Planned Parenthood and devoted her life to advocating the rights of the unborn. She also founded the organization “And Then There Were None,” which works to assist those who work in clinics like Planned Parenthood to get out of the industry. Learn more about Johnson here. 

2. Alveda King

Image Souce: Alveda King (@AlvedaCKing) Twitter

Niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., King is a Fox News contributor and has written many books pertaining to Pro-Life/Anti-Abortion and religious spirituality causes. Though King has been a Pro-Life advocate since 1983, she actually experienced two abortion procedures and attempted to get a third. Learning from her own pain, King encourages women thinking about abortion to make alternate choices, like adoption and parenting. Follow King on Twitter here.


3. Michelle Malkin

Image Source: Don Irvine

A well-known and accomplished journalist, Malkin is also a Fox News contributor and popular syndicated columnist. Malkin writes about popular conservative values, including the right to life. She has published six books and founded a couple blogging websites, including her own and another conservative news site that was eventually bought out. Malkin current has two children and lives with her husband, Jesse, in Colorado Springs. While she currently contributes to numerous news outlets, you can stay up to date with Malkin through her blog.

4. Penny Nance

Image Source: Concerned Women for America

Named one of the top four most powerful female voices in the Pro-Life movement, Nance is currently CEO and President of Concerned Women for America. CWA is an organization that promotes several conservative values and issues, including the sanctity of human life. Nance also currently serves on President Trump’s Life Advisory Council. Learn more about Nance and CWA here.

5. Charmaine Yoest

Yoest is no stranger to the political advocacy of the Pro-Life movement. She got her start in politics with the Reagan administration and since has served as Senior Advisor to Mike Huckabee for his 2008 presidential campaign. Currently, she serves Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Public Affairs, where she was appointed in April 2017 by President Trump. In addition, she has served as President and CEO for Americans United for Life and has appeared on many news channels and has been widely published in print media.


6. Elisabeth Hasselbeck

Image by © Alex Geana/Splash News/Corbis, From tvguide.com

Maybe best known for an outspoken supporter of conservative values on the popular TV show The View, Hasselbeck has been a longtime supporter of the Pro-Life movement. While she was on The View for 10 years, she often supplied the conservative side of issues, including during a popular debate on-show in 2006 about the morning-after pill being available over-the-counter. Hasselbeck did not support the change, saying “I believe that life begins at the moment of conception.” After leaving The View in 2013, she joined Fox & Friends until 2015 and has since retired. Stay up-to-date with Hasselbeck on Twitter. 


7. Jessa Duggar Seewald

Image Source: People Celebrity

Growing up in a large family, Jessa Duggar Seewald is an outspoken Pro-Life advocate. While she currently has two children, she runs a family blog, with her equally as outspoken Pro-Life husband. One of the most notable things she has done for the movement was her baby shower last January. Expecting her youngest son, she threw a baby shower but donated all the gifts to a local pregnancy help center, Loving Choices Pregnancy Centers of Arkansas. Seewald has also shared on her blog that she plans to adopt more children in the future. Learn more about Seewald here.


Each of these women brings something to the Pro-Life movement and they all inspire us to continue the fight for the right to life. The important thing is, that even though these women may be well-known, we also want to acknowledge the many, many women not listed in this blog who fight for the sanctity of life every single day. Your persistence and success do not go unnoticed. Learn more about how we stand in solidarity and support the Pro-Life movement through marketing.

Reach her.


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