What’s the Deal with the New Email Policies?

With huge email service providers Google and Yahoo implementing new policies to protect their customers from email spam, we have received many questions from pregnancy centers.

How will your automated emails continue to be delivered? Does this impact your fundraising emails? Will other email service providers follow suit?

Before we answer these questions, it’s important to share that there is a solution to make sure your emails comply with these new policies. It sounds complex and technical, but we will share the steps below.

First, What’s Happening?

In an effort to reduce spam and deliver a better customer experience, major email service providers like Google and Yahoo are implementing requirements for email senders.

They are now requiring bulk senders to authenticate their emails. Google is specifically also asking for easy unsubscription and to stay under a reported spam threshold.

These policies mainly target email marketing platforms that send more than 5,000 emails per day. Your pregnancy center likely doesn’t send that many emails daily.

However, the limits could change, and more email service providers may adopt policies like these. Authenticating your email will help safeguard your center from any email delivery issues in the future.

What Is Email Authentication?

Email authentication protects against bulk spam senders who do not secure or configure their systems. It helps prevent malicious messages and increases email security.

Authenticating an email means officially telling the email service provider the source of the email. It’s like stamping an official return address on a digital envelope. While you might think that Google and Yahoo should be technologically savvy enough to know without having to go through some technical steps, the inconsistent systems on the internet can make it impossible for them to know.

To keep reading, download our free guide HERE

Reach her.


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