Video 101 for Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Social media can feel like the Wild West. There’s always a new frontier to explore, while leaving everything you once knew in the dust. 

We’ve seen this firsthand over the last decade as social media moved from simple status updates to many users becoming video content creators. The rise of video content is the most significant trend in social media right now.

According to a Cisco study, 82% of all online content will be video content this year, and marketing influencers expect video to continue to grow and dominate social media.

Why Are Videos So Important?

Social media users can’t get enough of videos. A recent quintly study reviewed 5.4 million Instagram posts and found that video content receives 49% higher interactions than images

Knowing statistics like that one, social media companies prioritize video content over images in their algorithms leading to greater visibility

The marketing benefits are clear. Your pregnancy center can receive more visibility and more engagement by posting videos

Video Content for Clients and Donors – What’s the Difference?

Remember, we always suggest splitting your donor and client social media accounts. The two audiences are unique and require very different messaging for the most effective marketing results. The same concepts apply to video.

Videos for Donors

The most effective video content for donors will encompass the work of your center and the sanctity of life. Donors want to see babies, Bible verses, parenting, the good work they’re contributing to, and to hear stories of lives impacted and lives changed because of the work that you do. Videos are a great tool to connect with donors, introducing them in a more personal way to the impact of their giving. Videos can move them into making an additional donation, or reaffirm that they gave to an amazing, life-affirming, God-centered organization.

Videos for Clients

Client social media content isn’t as straightforward. Through social media, you are building awareness for your center.  You’re targeting Gen Z women on social media, who may or may not be pregnant. They can hold all kinds of worldviews, and will likely not be receptive to donor content at all, especially those who are pro-abortion or abortion-minded in any way.

Instead, your videos will aim to engage, inform, and entertain your potential clients in a variety of ways. Your topics will be more broad, and can include: healthy lifestyle tips, pregnancy symptoms, women’s health, self-care, encouragement, inspiration, or seasonal content. You can emphasize the importance of healthy relationships or friendships. The options are endless, you just have to veer away from pro-life content.

While you can have videos specifically advertising your center’s services as well, make sure to follow HubSpot’s 80/20 rule for your social media content. This rule of thumb suggests 80% of your content should be engaging, entertaining, and informative, and only 20% should advertise your services. This helps you maximize your engagement and follower growth, while still advertising your services at an acceptable rate. Abortion-minded women don’t go on social media to be advertised to, but to be entertained and engaged. Keep this in mind when shooting videos. Balance is key.

What Videos Should I Be Posting on Social Media?

Social media is a powerful marketing tool when you use it regularly and effectively. Posting any of the above topics can help bring engagement and visibility to your social media, but remember it’s not one-and-done. Make sure to regularly post videos and content for the best results. 

We included ideas below of simple videos you can take and post to your social media accounts. These don’t require a videographer or graphic design, only a phone with a camera and social media access. Keep your videos short and sweet for better engagement, and try to include diversity when you can—especially when marketing to clients. Short, authentic, and diverse videos are a recipe for success.

Here Are a Few Simple Video Ideas To Consider:

Client Video Ideas

  • A Walkthrough of Your Center
  • What to Expect at Your Center
  • Top Five Pregnancy Symptoms
  • How to Read a Pregnancy Test
  • What’s a False-Positive Pregnancy Test?
  • Ask a Nurse: Have a Nurse Answer Questions
  • Share a Casual Video of a Client Review (not pro-life, simply a positive experience)
  • Wish Clients a Happy ____ (Holiday of Your Choice)

Donor Video Ideas

  • Share an Inspirational Client Story
  • Thank Donors for Material Items or Donations
  • Take a Video of Your Banquets and Events
  • Post Regular Video Updates
  • Introduce Your Team
  • Highlight New Team Members
  • Share Announcements Via Video
  • Wish Your Donors a Happy ____ (Holiday of Your Choice)

Choose Life Promo Videos

If you’re interested in purchasing high-quality videos for your social media accounts, Choose Life Marketing monthly produces new videos with your pregnancy center in mind. Created for both donors and clients, these videos have the power to grab their attention and move them into action, whether that’s making a donation or scheduling an appointment.

We are currently offering discounted video packages – in groups of 6 or 12. Check out all of our videos for sale on We customize each video with your center’s website and logo, and turn them around within five days of your order.

We also produce produce custom videos. If interested, reach out to us at, for more information on videos for your center.

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