Why PPC Advertising Is Effective for Pregnancy Help Centers

Q: When is the best time to advertise to someone?
A: When they’re actively seeking your service!

Abortion-determined women ask the Internet their questions. “Where’s the closest abortion clinic?”, “What are abortion risks?”, “How much does abortion cost?”

Are you there to answer? Are you there to support these women and provide the information they need to make an informed decision?

PPC advertising, also known as “Paid Search” and “Google AdWords” (sometimes “Bing Ads”), allows your Pregnancy Help Center to reach the top of Google and be available to these women. Stats show that nearly all clicks occur in the top few Google listings—people don’t like to search for long!

Reach women. Get leads. Save lives.

By targeting relevant search queries like the ones listed above, a PHC can reach women with their services.

By creating an effective campaign with the right targeting and ad spend, the right ad copy, and the right landing page, a PHC can convert traffic into leads. It’s effective. We know, because we do this every day.

When a woman schedules an appointment at your center, you now have the ability to provide her an exceptional experience, equipping her with the knowledge on all her choices so she can make her own informed decision—hopefully to choose life. That’s empowering.

PPC Management for Success

There are many ways to waste your cash. You can throw it in a fire pit, you can drop it from a thirty-story building, or you can do PPC wrong. This is where tons of people, and many agencies fall short. PPC Management is required for success.

PPC advertising isn’t like purchasing stock, where you buy and hold. PPC takes active management and optimization — aside from proper setup in the beginning, of course.

If you don’t have the budget to hire a professional PPC Management company right now, and you’re running your own AdWords campaign, check out our AdWords PPC tips for PHCs!

Reach her.


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