
Free Social Media Graphics for COVID-19

Part of Planned Parenthood’s influence in our culture is their marketing strategy. They post relevant content, establishing their organization as “experts” on the topic of women’s reproduction. We know this is a lie. But, do our marketing efforts measure up when it comes to reaching abortion-vulnerable women?

One way to reach more women and save more lives is by posting content that speaks to their concerns. That’s why our gift to you this week is a set of social media graphics to help answer your clients’ questions about pregnancy and COVID-19. Download these graphics for FREE today!

These graphics are designed to be used as question and answer posts, so you should upload the question and the answer at the same time. We recommend only posting one Q&A at a time, and you can post a different set every day in a week if you want to! We hope these help you engage further with your clients and potential clients!


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