8 Easy Marketing Steps Your Center Can Do Today

We understand your to-do list could be a mile long without much time to spare. Our new guide outlines eight easy ways to improve your marketing results. These activities don’t require much time, and a moment here and there can pay off. Fill out the form to read the guide and gain fresh ideas on … Continued

How to Successfully Diversify Your Marketing Plan 

When it comes to marketing, it can feel like there are too many options. There are too many trends, too many platforms, too many strategies… too many things to think about, right?  However, with Big Tech censorship and favoritism, reaching abortion-minded women with only one strategy or on just one platform can risk messaging delays … Continued

Intergenerational Communication Tips

Intergenerational Communication Tips

Pregnancy centers have two primary target audiences: donors and clients. While clients can feature Millennials, Gen Z, and now Gen Alpha, donors can feature a range of generations from Gen Z to Traditionalists (age 78 and up). How can you effectively communicate with each generation? What events shaped each generation, and how can you reach … Continued

Video Marketing Guide

Video Marketing Guide

Videos have become one of the most effective and most consumed form of marketing. The average viewer spends about 100 minutes a day watching digital videos. If you can get your center’s video in front of potential clients and donors on social media, you can improve your awareness, visibility, and engagement. Add a video to … Continued

Pregnancy Center Marketing Trends for 2023!

Pregnancy Center Marketing Trends for 2023!

As you plan for 2023, read our free guide covering the top marketing trends for pregnancy centers. These marketing trends relate to the current landscape and will provide insight as you decide your marketing budget allocation and your 2023 strategy.

Who Is She Today?

Who Is She Today?

Gen Z is HERE as our new target audience. It’s up to us to bridge the gap between generations so she can hear us and be drawn to hope and choose life. Download this FREE guide to learn all about reaching Gen Z — who she is, what speaks to her, and how you can … Continued

Diversify Your Marketing to Reach Her

Diversify Your Marketing to Reach Her

Big Tech has kept us guessing this year! Between Google limiting pregnancy centers’ visibility in abortion searches and Facebook removing certain targeting details, we have certainly been on our toes. In this week’s FREE guide, How to Diversify Your Marketing Plan, you’ll learn how you can take steps now to make sure your eggs aren’t … Continued

Video Marketing Strategies Post-Roe: What You Need to Know

Video Marketing Strategies Post-Roe: What You Need to Know

When you publish video content online, you are able to share your message with greater levels of clarity and authenticity. Real people on the other side of the screen feel more connected to you because they are able to see a real person communicating with them, rather than reading text on a screen. Even if … Continued

How to Use Video to Reach More Clients and Donors

Posting videos on social media is a powerful tool for marketing to both donors AND clients, but often it’s hard to know where to start or even which topics to cover. We know video creation can seem overwhelming with all the other things on your plate. That’s why we produce donor and client videos each … Continued

New Year, New Her: Reaching the Abortion-Minded Woman in 2021

New Year, New Her: Reaching the Abortion-Minded Woman in 2021

You made it through 2020! As we all breathe a sigh of relief, we also recognize many of the challenges we faced in 2020 will follow us into 2021. But, a new date on the calendar can bring inspiration and hope even though circumstances haven’t changed much. As you embrace 2021 for all it will … Continued

Donor Christmas Video $99 special just for your center!

Donor Christmas Video $99 special just for your center!

The Christmas season is right around the corner—a time of peace and joy as we celebrate the birth of our Savior! Many of you are beginning to roll out your year-end giving plans in efforts to reach donors and raise funds for the important work you do. Choose Life Marketing has created a powerful Christmas … Continued