Answers to Your Top 10 Questions About Reaching Abortion-Minded Women!

Answers to Your Top 10 Questions About Reaching Abortion-Minded Women!

Because we live and breathe marketing strategies, we get a lot of questions from pregnancy centers around the country about the best practices for most effectively reaching abortion minded women. And because we love partnering with you to impact women’s lives and save babies, we also love answering these questions for you!

Free Social Media Graphics for COVID-19

Free Social Media Graphics for COVID-19

Part of Planned Parenthood’s influence in our culture is their marketing strategy. They post relevant content, establishing their organization as “experts” on the topic of women’s reproduction. We know this is a lie. But, do our marketing efforts measure up when it comes to reaching abortion-vulnerable women? One way to reach more women and save … Continued

Did You Know You Can Use Facebook Messenger to Promote Your Pregnancy Center?

Facebook Messenger is the second most popular app ever with 1.4 billion regular users! Businesses and organizations are just starting to fully utilize this app to reach clients. Download this guide to find out how your pregnancy center can use Messenger marketing strategies to reach more abortion-minded women in your community.

Your Complete Crash Course on Hashtags.

Hashtags entered the social media scene in 2007 as a way to label and organize content, but now people use them for just about everything. With all the hashtags and social media platforms to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start. Download this guide to learn everything you need to know … Continued

Effective Tactics to Help Your Center See More Abortion-Minded Women

While every marketing tactic your center employs should engage abortion-minded women, some tactics specialize in giving them a final push to make an appointment. Incorporating tactics that focus on getting women to make appointments optimizes that number of women you are able to reach through all of your efforts. 

How Snapchat Can Get More Abortion-Minded Women Through Your Center’s Doors

Since its launch in 2011, Snapchat has increased in popularity among teens and young adults. As the app continued to develop from a messaging app to a social platform, it opened the opportunity for organizations to tap into Snapchat’s growing audience. This week’s guide covers Snapchat advertising and how it can help your center reach … Continued

Back To School: How Your Center Can Reach More Students

High School and college students are crucial audiences to engage. While these students might not be in your target demographic or need your services now, as they age they may become future clients. It is important to speak with them now so that they can start building a relationship with your center. As they get … Continued

An Overview of Facebook Advertising

Are you currently advertising on Facebook? Or, have you thought about it, but you haven’t quite dipped your toes in the water to try it? Whether it’s to promote your services or share about an upcoming event, you know that friends of your center use Facebook and it can be an effective way to advertise. … Continued

How to Create a Successful Facebook Live Broadcast

You have big dreams for your center, big hopes for your clients and big needs for funding. You know that the key to successful fundraising is taking every opportunity to personally connect with your donors to make this all possible. But you are so busy on any given day as you support staff and volunteers, … Continued

How Snapchat Can Help You Reach Teens During Prom Season

With prom season coming up, many centers are wondering how they can reach high school students who find themselves pregnant a few weeks afterwards. According to Psychology Today, in a study that surveyed nearly 13,000 high school students nationwide, 14 percent of girls said they had sex on prom night. Over half of those surveyed … Continued