FREE Easter Graphic – Our Gift To You

Happy Easter! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. His death on the cross and ultimate resurrection bought our redemption. It’s because of Him that we do what we do. Please enjoy this free Easter social media graphic to post on your donor social media accounts.

Pregnancy Center Marketing Trends for 2023!

Pregnancy Center Marketing Trends for 2023!

As you plan for 2023, read our free guide covering the top marketing trends for pregnancy centers. These marketing trends relate to the current landscape and will provide insight as you decide your marketing budget allocation and your 2023 strategy.

Free End of Year Social Graphics

Free End of Year Social Graphics

I am so grateful for you and the opportunity to partner with many of you. I pray the tools we offer, the services we provide and the information we share weekly is helpful to you. What you do matters so much. Your faithfulness in this battle for life is a gift that reaches generations. God … Continued

Who Is She Today?

Who Is She Today?

Gen Z is HERE as our new target audience. It’s up to us to bridge the gap between generations so she can hear us and be drawn to hope and choose life. Download this FREE guide to learn all about reaching Gen Z — who she is, what speaks to her, and how you can … Continued

Diversify Your Marketing to Reach Her

Diversify Your Marketing to Reach Her

Big Tech has kept us guessing this year! Between Google limiting pregnancy centers’ visibility in abortion searches and Facebook removing certain targeting details, we have certainly been on our toes. In this week’s FREE guide, How to Diversify Your Marketing Plan, you’ll learn how you can take steps now to make sure your eggs aren’t … Continued

Video Marketing Strategies Post-Roe: What You Need to Know

Video Marketing Strategies Post-Roe: What You Need to Know

When you publish video content online, you are able to share your message with greater levels of clarity and authenticity. Real people on the other side of the screen feel more connected to you because they are able to see a real person communicating with them, rather than reading text on a screen. Even if … Continued

What You Need to Know About Social Media Post Roe

What You Need to Know About Social Media Post Roe

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube… every Silicon Valley social media giant has posed barriers for pregnancy centers. Whether it’s ad disclaimers, rejecting ads, or issuing violations for posts on abortion pill reversal, they have been a source of resistance for years. Yet social media platforms remain critical to the mission of reaching the abortion-minded woman. With the life issue heating up … Continued

Social Media & Why It Matters

Social Media & Why It Matters

Social media really does matter and can improve your online visibility, community awareness, and reputation. In this week’s FREE guide, we explain the “why” behind social media, best practices, and how to get started with your own social media accounts. We will address why social media matters, and how your center can take advantage of … Continued

2022 Marketing Calendar

Our first step in helping pregnancy centers reach more abortion-minded women and donors in the next year is providing you with our complimentary 2022 Marketing Calendar! This calendar features dates to highlight in your marketing communications with both clients and donors to increase your social media or email campaign relevance, engagement, and effectiveness. Remember, 80% … Continued

Don’t Ignore the Top of Your Marketing Funnel

Have you ever felt like the best kept secret? Social media is your awareness builder. Many times it is the first glimpse women get into what your center is about and the services you offer. Every pregnancy center should be active on social media, as it’s an easy way to reach and interact with your … Continued

Marketing Checklist: How Does Your Center Measure Up?

Marketing Checklist: How Does Your Center Measure Up?

While pregnancy centers offer top-quality care and support for women all over the United States, sometimes marketing takes a backseat. It’s easy to let marketing slip in the hustle of serving women, but an effective strategy makes an enormous difference in attracting and engaging more clients and donors. How is your center doing? This week, … Continued

Top Social Media Trends for Pregnancy Centers in 2021

Top Social Media Trends for Pregnancy Centers in 2021

Social media has continued to evolve since its widespread adoption in the early 2000’s. But between Coronavirus isolation, the election, and the rise in social justice issues, social media has evolved more rapidly than ever before. With shutdowns and lack of in-person contact, social media has offered a way to continue community. Pregnancy centers marketing … Continued