Google Reviews: To Answer or Not to Answer

Our guide, “Google Review: To Respond or Not to Respond? That Is the Question,” covers best practices for responding to every kind of review while complying with HIPAA guidelines. It also features examples and strange review situations that have cropped up over the years (We have seen it all!). Read it today to learn from … Continued

AI and Marketing: The Future

AI is the future of marketing. Read our guide to learn what this means for pregnancy centers and how you can leverage AI for success.

What’s the Deal with the New Email Policies?

In our FREE guide, we break down what Google and Yahoo are requesting and the steps to authenticate your email address. Read it today! If you have any questions about the process or would like Choose Life Marketing to help, contact us.

How to Successfully Diversify Your Marketing Plan 

When it comes to marketing, it can feel like there are too many options. There are too many trends, too many platforms, too many strategies… too many things to think about, right?  However, with Big Tech censorship and favoritism, reaching abortion-minded women with only one strategy or on just one platform can risk messaging delays … Continued

Navigating Big Tech so You Can Be Found Online

Big Tech censorship isn’t new, but after the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the online landscape became even more challenging for pregnancy centers. With plenty of obstacles, including ad rejection, new rules, and double standards, it’s easy to get discouraged. But jumping the hurdles is worth it and will enable you to reach more abortion-minded … Continued

Quick Guide to Google Grant

What would you do if you had up to $10,000 more in paid search spending each month? It would change your advertising budget significantly, right? This week, we’re shining a light on Google Ad Grants and answering frequently asked questions on this beneficial program. What are Google Ad Grants? How can they benefit your pregnancy … Continued

Guide to Google Reviews

Google reviews… they can be either your best asset or your worst nightmare depending on how you manage them. In our free marketing guide, we will provide best practices for identifying and responding to Google reviews, while remaining HIPAA compliant. Download this guide for help with your Google reviews today!

Is Your Center Playing by Google’s Rules?

Is Your Center Playing by Google’s Rules?

Are you not showing up on Google but feel like you have great content? Playing by Google’s rules and making minor adjustments to your content could bring you to the forefront of this search engine. The ever-changing Google algorithms and protocols for marketers have created stricter requirements to stay at the top. There is a … Continued

Your Secret Weapon Against Big Tech

Your Secret Weapon Against Big Tech

If you’ve followed the news, watched any senate committee hearings, or tried to run Google or Facebook ads lately, you’ve likely noticed an increase in censorship from Big Tech. Unfortunately, this seems to be a growing trend, and one of the best ways to ensure abortion-minded women can still find you is through search engine … Continued