Marketing Checklist: How Does Your Center Measure Up?

Marketing Checklist: How Does Your Center Measure Up?

While pregnancy centers offer top-quality care and support for women all over the United States, sometimes marketing takes a backseat. It’s easy to let marketing slip in the hustle of serving women, but an effective strategy makes an enormous difference in attracting and engaging more clients and donors. How is your center doing? This week, … Continued

The Case for Including Abortion Terms in Your Center’s Advertising

The Case for Including Abortion Terms in Your Center’s Advertising

Pregnancy centers work day in and day out to empower women to choose life, so why mention abortion in advertising? The pros of mentioning abortion in advertising far outweigh the cons. Our FREE guide addresses the questions pregnancy centers often ask us about using abortion keywords in marketing and covers the top reasons to include … Continued

Marketing Tactics to  Raise Awareness  for Your Center

Marketing Tactics to Raise Awareness for Your Center

One of the worst mistakes you could ever make is keeping your pregnancy center your community’s best kept secret. To reach both those considering abortion and new donors to help support your mission, you need to make yourself known through marketing well – in smart, strategic ways.  In this FREE guide, we’ll walk you through … Continued

Youtube Ad Optimization

Youtube Ad Optimization

In last week’s marketing guide eblast, we shared information and strategies about the top platforms where Generation Z spends time. Remember, the goal of being on social media is to reach your target audience – women who are considering abortion who need to know about life-affirming alternatives. This week, we’re diving deeper into one of … Continued

What the New Facebook Ad Update Means for Your Pregnancy Center

What the New Facebook Ad Update Means for Your Pregnancy Center

If you run ads on Facebook, it’s likely you’ve encountered issues over the last several months. Earlier this year, Facebook started requiring people running advertisements on behalf of businesses to authorize their accounts before running ads on issues of national social or political importance.

Boost Your Center’s Performance with Awareness & Conversion Tactics

Are you adjusting your strategy when you are seeking conversions vs. awareness? If you are not, then you are not optimizing your campaigns to gain the best results. This week we cover the different ways you can adjust your strategies to see better results when you focus on a singular goal. 

An Overview of Facebook Advertising

Are you currently advertising on Facebook? Or, have you thought about it, but you haven’t quite dipped your toes in the water to try it? Whether it’s to promote your services or share about an upcoming event, you know that friends of your center use Facebook and it can be an effective way to advertise. … Continued

How Snapchat Can Help You Reach Teens During Prom Season

With prom season coming up, many centers are wondering how they can reach high school students who find themselves pregnant a few weeks afterwards. According to Psychology Today, in a study that surveyed nearly 13,000 high school students nationwide, 14 percent of girls said they had sex on prom night. Over half of those surveyed … Continued

Step-By-Step Guide to Google Ads Setup for PHCs

Paid Search is an excellent tool for PHCs to reach more abortion-minded women – but it isn’t effective if you don’t know how to set up a campaign. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you exactly how to set up a Paid Search campaign so that you can take advantage of Google Ads for your … Continued

How Snapchat is Relevant to PHCs

Snapchat is one of the most popular forms of social media available today. It may seem overwhelming to dive into advertising through it if you don’t understand the platform or how it works. We’ve created this guide to take you through the world of Snapchat advertising, and how it can be crucial to reaching more … Continued

Google Ad Grant Pros and Cons

Google Grants offer $10,000 a month to nonprofit organizations to promote their services, which makes them potentially valuable to PHCs across the country and around the world. Here is a guide to help you navigate the pros and cons of a PPC Google Grant.

How to Ensure Your Ads Meet Facebook’s Guidelines

How to Ensure Your Ads Meet Facebook’s Guidelines

Recently, many pro-life organizations have vocalized concerns that their advertisements are being pulled by Facebook as a form of censorship. We went a little deeper to learn what could cause ads to be disapproved or removed from Facebook.