Choose Life Marketing Initiatives

Cord Blood

Cord Blood For Life is here to help pregnancy centers save lives in new ways while advancing their missions at the same time. Give your clients the rewarding opportunity to give back and help other individuals in need.

In the majority of births, the umbilical cord is simply discarded as medical waste. But did you know the blood from the umbilical cord has regenerative and life-saving qualities? 

When a woman donates her baby’s cord blood, it helps another family facing a medical condition and potentially saves a life.

LEARN MORE about this initiative today!

Christian Adoptions

By its very nature, adoption is God’s design. After all, as believers in Christ, we are adopted into the family of God. Whether you are a woman looking for the answer to your unexpected pregnancy, or an adoptive couple looking to grow your family, we’re here to listen, support, and help.

No matter what side of the journey you are on, you are not alone. God so desires to give you, “a crown of beauty for ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.” (Isaiah 61:3) You are not forgotten. You are not forsaken. You are loved.

LEARN MORE about Christian Adoptions!

SOHL Global

SOHL Global supports and protects the value and dignity of every human person from conception through the end of life by providing education, counseling, community awareness, support, and access to programs that lift up those who are devalued.

We envision a world where every person is valued and loved, communities serve and respect one another, and people live in unity under the grace, mercy, and healing of Jesus Christ.

LEARN MORE about the mission of SOHL Global.

Sanctity of Life

The mission of is to generate financial support for the programs and services that are advancing the Sanctity of Life.

We believe the Sanctity of Life message is advanced faster and more effectively when we align and work together for the cause of life. Paul directs us to, “Come alongside and carry one another’s burdens” (Gal 6:2).

LEARN MORE about Sanctity of Life

Global Life Coalition

The Global Life Coalition formed out of a passion to reach pregnant women in need through the front line workers of the pro-life movement, pregnancy help centers here in the U.S. and ministry partners around the world. They are our heroes. It’s through their tireless efforts that lives are saved and restored.

The Global Life Coalition wants to collaborate and come alongside those life advocates, helping them to not only compete on a level playing field, but win.

LEARN MORE about the Global Life Coalition

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