How PHCs Can Use Video Marketing For Social Media Strategies

How PHCs Can Use Video Marketing For Social Media Strategies

Did you know that one-third of online activity is spent watching videos? Additionally, 51% of marketing professionals name video as the type of content with the best ROI. So, how can PHCs capitalize on the popularity of videos on social media? By incorporating high-quality, engaging videos into your digital strategy. In this post, with the … Continued

How Facebook’s New Timeline Algorithm Will Affect PHCs

How Facebook’s New Timeline Algorithm Will Affect PHCs

On January 11th, Facebook announced that it will be making some significant changes to its News Feed algorithm. What will those changes entail? The algorithm is being tweaked to “prioritize posts that spark conversations and meaningful interactions between people” and to “prioritize posts from friends and family over public content.” That sounds great for your … Continued

How to Utilize Facebook for March for Life

How to Utilize Facebook for March for Life

March for Life is a nationally recognized event and protest for the right to life of all humans. If you’re interested in creating your own March for Life event, outlined below is how to promote messaging and the basics of leveraging Facebook advertising for the event. We also recommend bookmarking this page so you can … Continued

2018 Marketing Calendar for Pregnancy Centers

2018 Marketing Calendar for Pregnancy Centers

What better way to plan for 2018 than your very own marketing calendar? The new year is fast-approaching and now is the time to plan your marketing efforts for next year.  From donor events and awareness weeks to social media holidays, there are numerous opportunities for you to promote your center in the coming year. … Continued

4 Things PHCs Should Know About Facebook Targeting

4 Things PHCs Should Know About Facebook Targeting

What if there was a tool that could help you target women in your area who might need your help? With Facebook targeting through the Ads Manager tool, you can target potential abortion-minded women in your area . Choose Life Marketing is experienced in targeting abortion-minded women on Facebook and weaving that targeting into a full-fledges social … Continued

The Anatomy of an Instagram Post

The Anatomy of an Instagram Post

Young women tend to trust organizations that keep up with social trends and create strategies designed specifically for them. Recent studies show that Instagram is now the top social media platform among American teens, making the photo and video sharing tool a powerful way to reach young women. If you’re just beginning to use Instagram, … Continued

How to Take Advantage of Free Digital Marketing Tools for Your PHC

How to Take Advantage of Free Digital Marketing Tools for Your PHC

Help her find you with these free digital marketing tools for social media, paid search and SEO. By leveraging these digital marketing channels, you will be able to spread more awareness about your center and its services, ultimately encouraging more women to visit your center. Look for a top rated digital marketing agency like BlackStorm … Continued

How PHCs Can Address Negativity Online

How PHCs Can Address Negativity Online

How to respond to negativity online? With grace. It’s not new for PHCs to receive negative comments online. The best way to handle these negative comments – whether they are Google reviews or comments on social media – is to respond with kindness. When faced with unpleasant or potentially harmful comments online, it’s important to … Continued

Reaching Abortion-Minded Women: 7 Steps to Instagram Success

Reaching Abortion-Minded Women: 7 Steps to Instagram Success

Often referred to as the “Photo Album of the Internet”, Instagram is used by nearly one-third of American women. With more than 40 billion photos and counting, the platform now serves as a powerful tool for reaching young, abortion-minded women. Instagram differs from other social media platforms in many ways. Young people typically flock to … Continued

Marketing to Abortion-Minded Women in Today’s Culture

Marketing to Abortion-Minded Women in Today’s Culture

In today’s culture, there are many avenues (both online and offline) that women can take when seeking answers to a problem. As a Pregnancy Help Center, you want to make sure that your center’s name is at the forefront of those avenues for pregnant women who might be looking for your services, or simply for … Continued