The 12 Most Important SEO Features for Your PHC’s Website

The 12 Most Important SEO Features for Your PHC’s Website

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential to helping more abortion-minded women find your center when they are looking up related keywords on Google, Bing or Yahoo. An effective SEO strategy is built on a number of factors, and in this blog, we’ll touch on the 12 most important SEO features for your PHC’s website. Responsive … Continued

Get Your PHC Back-to-School Ready

Get Your PHC Back-to-School Ready

As colleges and universities prepare for incoming students, so should your PHC. In this guide, we’ll discuss a few tactics you can implement to ensure your PHC is fully prepared to reach as many abortion-minded students as possible during this upcoming school year. We’ll go in-depth and talk about the tactics we recommend, why they … Continued

Donor Email Campaigns for Fundraisers & Events

Donor Email Campaigns for Fundraisers & Events

Email marketing is effective, and for PHC donor email campaigns, it’s essential. It allows you to personally reach out to potential donors, explain who you are, what you’re doing, and why they should get involved. But with so many emails being sent each and every day, how can you make sure yours are noticed? A … Continued

Instagram Updates & Best Practices

Instagram Updates & Best Practices

Instagram is an excellent tool for the awareness stage: letting women in your area know you’re there for when they need you. In 2018, the platform has rolled out a number of new features, many of which can help PHCs connect and engage with more abortion-minded women. In this guide, we’ll discuss the new Instagram … Continued

How to Utilize Instagram Stories Ads for your PHC

How to Utilize Instagram Stories Ads for your PHC

Instagram Stories hit 250 million users in June of 2017, surpassing Snapchat users by a landslide. With the platform becoming algorithm-based, Instagram Stories ads can be utilized to build recognition of your center and reach more abortion-minded women in your area. What are Instagram Stories Ads? Instagram Stories ads play while users are watching their … Continued

Anatomy of Facebook Ad Types

Anatomy of Facebook Ad Types

If you’ve scrolled through Facebook lately on desktop or mobile, you’ve probably noticed the variety in Facebook ads that popped up. Facebook advertising has become very sophisticated, and it’s important to know the various ad types and how they can help meet your PHC’s goals. Here, we’ll go over the different Facebook ads, how they … Continued

Marketing Analytics for Your PHC

Marketing Analytics for Your PHC

You can learn a lot from marketing analytics, like who’s seeing your ads and whether they are actually doing what they’re supposed to be doing. However, if your stomach drops every time one of those statistics dips below what it was last month, you may not be focusing on the right analytics. It’s true, analytics … Continued

A Pregnancy Help Center’s Guide to Social Media Videos

A Pregnancy Help Center’s Guide to Social Media Videos

Did you know that one-third of online activity is spent watching videos? Additionally, 51% of marketing professionals name video as the type of content with the best ROI. So, how can PHCs capitalize on the popularity of social media videos? By incorporating high-quality, engaging videos into your digital strategy. In this guide, we’ll go over … Continued

How PHCs Can Use Video Marketing For Social Media Strategies

How PHCs Can Use Video Marketing For Social Media Strategies

Did you know that one-third of online activity is spent watching videos? Additionally, 51% of marketing professionals name video as the type of content with the best ROI. So, how can PHCs capitalize on the popularity of videos on social media? By incorporating high-quality, engaging videos into your digital strategy. In this post, with the … Continued

How Facebook’s New Timeline Algorithm Will Affect PHCs

How Facebook’s New Timeline Algorithm Will Affect PHCs

On January 11th, Facebook announced that it will be making some significant changes to its News Feed algorithm. What will those changes entail? The algorithm is being tweaked to “prioritize posts that spark conversations and meaningful interactions between people” and to “prioritize posts from friends and family over public content.” That sounds great for your … Continued

How to Utilize Facebook for March for Life

How to Utilize Facebook for March for Life

March for Life is a nationally recognized event and protest for the right to life of all humans. If you’re interested in creating your own March for Life event, outlined below is how to promote messaging and the basics of leveraging Facebook advertising for the event. We also recommend bookmarking this page so you can … Continued

9 Things We Learned About Pro-Life Marketing In 2017

9 Things We Learned About Pro-Life Marketing In 2017

The digital realm is constantly changing, but with constant change comes many learning opportunities and experiences – especially for the pro-life movement. Below we’ve outlined the top 9 things we learned about pro-life marketing in 2017. 1. How to combat Expose Fake Clinics Week In the event of Expose Fake Clinics Week (or any emergency crisis), … Continued