Branding Your PHC’s Capital Campaign

For many PHCs, a capital campaign will run for several years in order to raise enough funds for a large-scale project. Because so much time and effort goes into running one, it’s important to effectively brand your campaign to get the most amount of donations possible. Here’s how to ensure that your capital campaign is cohesive throughout its course.

Give it a Name

When it comes to branding your PHC’s capital campaign, you want to start by giving it a unique title. The name should reflect the overarching goal of your capital campaign, perhaps by including the year that you hope to meet your donation goal or referencing the project those funds will go toward. If you so choose, you can also create a logo for your capital campaign. It should be simple and compliment your center’s logo.

Write a Tagline

A tagline is a sentence or phrase that goes along with your capital campaign’s title, and it should inspire action from your donor base. An effective tagline often begins with a verb. Verbs encourage people to keep reading, and eventually, to act.

Choose Your Accent Color

The branding for your capital campaign shouldn’t stray too far from your center’s branding. To differentiate it slightly, we recommend choosing a new accent color to add to your current branding colors. You should use this color each time you are creating graphics for your capital campaign so that your donor base begins to recognize it as relating to your capital campaign.

Create a Capital Campaign Messaging Guide

A messaging guide spells out your goals, values, and how you want to say what you need to say. This is an incredibly helpful tool, especially if your capital campaign will run for several years. It provides a point of reference your whole team can access. Here’s what you should include in your messaging guide:

Vision Statement

Your capital campaign’s vision statement should look to the future and establish what your center will look like once the campaign is complete. It shouldn’t be longer than a sentence, and it should inspire donors to want to be a part of what you’re trying to achieve.

Mission Statement

The mission statement for your capital campaign should be different than your center’s overall mission statement, but the two should not contradict each other. The purpose of the mission statement is to explain a bit more in-depth what you are trying to raise, what you’ll use the funds for, and what you hope to accomplish by doing so.

Values Statement

A values statement consists of five core values. Every time something is written for your capital campaign, these values should be kept in mind and come across in your wording.


Most messaging guides include several boilerplates that vary in length from 50 characters to 350. Each boilerplate is meant for use in different mediums. The shortest 50-character boilerplate is excellent for posting on social media, while a longer 150-character boilerplate is great for use in email marketing and print materials.

How to Use a Messaging Guide

Whenever you’re writing for print materials or website copy that references your capital campaign, the words you say should reflect the values, mission and goals written about in your messaging guides. Boilerplates and your mission statement should be used verbatim, while your values statement can be used to inspire what you say. The overall purpose of the message guide is to keep your message consistent, so donors know what their money is going toward and why.

Branding your capital campaign is vital to its success. It provides consistent visuals and messaging while reminding donors of the value of their gift. It limits confusion and skepticism while keeping your whole team focused on the goal.

Is a capital campaign coming up for your PHC? Let Choose Life Marketing help with our donor-specific branding services.

Reach her.


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