
Combating Planned Parenthood

Do you ever feel overwhelmed in your day-to-day work, wondering if you’re doing all you can to bring hope and truth to women in need of your services as you combat the lies the abortion industry is selling them? It’s easy to look at the lobbying power, finances, and marketing prowess of Planned Parenthood and feel discouraged. The abortion giant seems to have it all and it can feel daunting to take it on.

If you’re feeling a little like David in the David and Goliath story, take heart! David had a plan, and most importantly, he had God on his side. You do, too. No matter how big and intimidating Planned Parenthood may seem, God is for you and with you, providing the resources and light to take on the darkness of abortion.

In this guide, we share eight things you can do today to combat Planned Parenthood. With these tools in your kit, you’ll be able to plan to reach and serve more abortion-minded women, showing them better alternatives than abortion.


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