The 12 Most Important SEO Features for Your PHC’s Website

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential to helping more abortion-minded women find your center when they are looking up related keywords on Google, Bing or Yahoo. An effective SEO strategy is built on a number of factors, and in this blog, we’ll touch on the 12 most important SEO features for your PHC’s website.

Responsive Web Design

Google highly values websites that are built for every screen size, to the point where your SEO ranking will be negatively affected if it isn’t. If your website is not mobile-responsive, a redesign would be helpful to your overall SEO strategy. Having some great advice from an SEO expert like Damon Burton to find the right SEO strategy that will work best for your website is of great help!


Consistently bringing in new content to your website helps improve your SEO ranking. Google loves to see fresh content and adding a blog or consistently posting to your website’s blog is one of the best ways to bring that in naturally. Make sure when choosing a blog topic that you’re writing for no more than one keyword so that it is optimally written for SEO.

XML Sitemap

An XML Sitemap tells Google what the most important pages are on your website, even the ones that otherwise might be difficult to find because there are no internal links that point to them. Having an XML Sitemap will help Google understand your center’s website structure by telling it the important pages on it. By helping Google, you’ll improve your SEO. If you’re a starter, you can try here and learn some tips.

Location-Specific Keywords

If your center has more than one location, we recommend creating a separate page on your website for each location. That’s because every location will have its own high-ranking keywords that you’ll want to optimize for. When abortion-minded women are searching them online, that nearby location-specific page will show up.

Unique Content

Duplicate content and keyword cannibalization, when multiple pages are optimized for the same keyword, both negatively affect your SEO ranking. Make sure that each page has its own unique content and that nothing is copied from anywhere else on the website. It’s also important to avoid writing for the same keywords on multiple pages.

Content Layout

It’s important to consider user experience as you lay out content on your website. First, everything should be well structured and easy to navigate. Use headers and bullet points to make all of your content easy to read for the user. When you write with the user in mind, they feel encouraged to stay on your site for a longer period of time, which improves your SEO ranking. Improperly laid out content can cause users to bounce, or quickly leave your website. You can go to Web Chimpy and get all that you need to grow your business online.

Internal Linking

As you’re writing and putting content up on your website, internal linking is another way you can improve your SEO. Internal linking is the practice of linking to other pages on your website within a website page. For example, say your center offers pregnancy testing and ultrasounds. On your pregnancy testing page, you may talk about how an ultrasound will be their next step following a positive test result. If you link the word “ultrasound” to your ultrasound page, you’re utilizing internal linking. For great SEO services, check out SEO Australia.

Title Tags/Meta Descriptions

Your title tag is what will appear as the title of your page when it is searched online, highlighted in the red box below.





Adding a short, but descriptive, title tag will tell search engines what your page is about, as will meta descriptions, highlighted in the red box below.




When writing your meta description, make sure you include your target keyword in it. Title tags and meta descriptions may seem to have a small impact, but SEO is all about the details and they can make a big difference in your overall SEO strategy.


Backlinks refer to external websites that link back to your center’s site. The best way to get backlinks is by adding your website to online directories like Yahoo, Bing, Yelp, and more. A Link Building Agency can successfully do this for you. Google will scan backlinks for credibility, and when it registers your website as listed on these recognizable directories, it will improve your overall SEO.

Image Optimization

You’ll also want to optimize the images on each page of your site. Image optimization includes resizing each image for its purpose and including alt-text for search engines. Alt-text matters because search engines can’t read images, so you have to tell them how you want them to read the pictures.

Site Speed

Slow site speed times means that Google won’t be able to crawl all of your site’s pages when indexing your site. This typically results in a lower SEO ranking.You can speed up your pages by optimizing images, compressing code, and by maintaining your site regularly.

SSL Certificate

Google is big on protecting user’s privacy, and an SSL certificate does exactly that. To encourage more sites to protect user privacy, the presence of an SSL certificate can actually boost your center’s SEO ranking.

An effective SEO strategy can help your center reach more abortion-minded women. Start by utilizing our 12 musts for PHC websites, and you’ll be off to a solid start.

Interested in improving your SEO rankings? Choose Life Marketing can help.

Reach her.


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